Your goal can be something as simple as doing all your homework, paying attention in class, or spending some time each day reading a book. 你的目标可以是一件十分简单的事情,例如完成家庭作业、上课专心听讲、或每天花一点时间读一本书。
Every day without you is like a book without pages. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。
People depend on you every day to find the exact book they need. 每天人们找你查书。
Perhaps one day I'll write another book about them. 或许有一天我会另外写一本关于它们的书。
Talk about the weather, the day, the book she's reading, because then it is a conversation. 谈论天气、当天和她在看的书,因为这之后就会有更深的交流。
On that day, I went to the Book City with my classmates. 那一天,我去了书城市与同学们相处。
My brother, whom you met the other day, has recently written a book on Indian art. 我兄弟最近写了一本论印度艺术的书。
The best day to book travel or lodging arrangements is the day you decide to go. 你决定旅游的当天就是预订机票和住宿最恰当的时机。
Apart from my daily work, I need to set aside a few hours each day to write my book on tourism. 除了日常工作,我每天都需要留出几个小时来写我的旅游专著。
The next day I put my book in Hongbing's bag and told him to give it to me before class. 第二天,我把书给红兵,装在他的书包里,上课时再给我。
One day he would read a Book of antiquated philosophy, and the next day one that was ultra-modern, so that his head would be whirling with the conflict and contradiction of ideas. 今天读过时无用的哲学,明天读超前时髦的哲学,脑子里的概念矛盾抵触,弄得他晕头转向。
In a ceremony to mark Guinness World Records Day on Thursday, the book's editor-in-chief handed over a certificate to mark the accomplishment to church officials. 在本周四“吉尼斯世界纪录大全日”的庆祝仪式上,《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》的主编向教堂的神职人员颁发了证书。
Some pulp writers churn out two or three thousand words a day. His latest book is rubbish. He seems to think that because he's a famous author he can get away with murder! 有些黄色杂志的撰稿人每天粗制滥造地写二,三千字。他的近作粗制滥造.他似乎自以为是名作家便可免遭物议!
Under the library regulations a fine of three pence will be imposed in respect of each day that a book is overdue. 根据图书馆的规定,凡逾期归还的图书,每超过一天每本罚款3便士。
Most contemporary books give the impression of having been manufactured in a day, out of book read the day before. 大部分的当代书籍给人的印象是:是刚从前一天阅读过的书籍里以一天时间赶制出来的。
He wrote all day and finished his book as a result. 他写了一整天结果完成了他的书。
An old saying suggests that those who have been in China for a day, write a book; 老话说谁在中国呆一天就可以写本书;
Standardizing supervision day book was first responsibility and duty of supervisors 规范监理日记是监理人员的首要职责和义务
Book movers and transportation in advance: To avoid a moving day disaster, book a licensed moving company at least six weeks in advance to guarantee help for your move. 提前预约好搬家公司和运输公司:为了避免搬迁当天发生什么灾难,要提前至少六天定好一家有执照的搬家公司来确保他们能够在你搬迁的时候帮得上忙。
Every day he took a mysterious book out of his desk and absorbed himself in it at times when no classes were reciting. 他天天从讲台里拿出一本神秘的书,乘没课要讲的时候就潜心研读。
One girlfriend said I: "all day long get the book are not you tired?" 一位女友说我:“一天到晚弄的都是书,不厌烦么?”
That's a good thing any day, in my book. 在我的书里,这无论在什么时间都一件好事件。
Spend half a day finally finished reading the book, harvest or some, although most tells his brilliant career. 花了半天终于把这本书看完了,收获还是有的,尽管大部分是在讲述他的辉煌事业。
Now I am confident that one day he will read this book. 然而现在,我很有把握这个愿望一定会实现。
This is a Care Bears Lucky Day Book. 这是一个幸运的一天负有照顾图书。
Jenny needs another day to finish her book report, but the teacher won't hear of any delay. 珍妮需要再给她一天完成她的读书报告,但老师不允许她拖延。
I still remember the day when I borrowed the book from a girl in my dorm. 我始终记得我向室友借书的那一天。
The other day I ran across a book that you might like. 那天,我偶然发现一本说不定你喜欢的书。
That was three and a half years ago, and during that time hardly a day had passed when the book had not occupied me in one way or another. 那是三年半以前的事了:在这期间,我几乎没有一天不是以这种或那种方式为这本书而忙碌。涉猎群籍经常广益吾智;
You have to pronunciation every day with our book if you want maximum results. 想要取得好的效果,你得每天用我们的书练习发音。